Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Beginning of the End of the Beginning

Be very quiet... do you hear that? That rustling sound, like the twist of a winding sheet. Or the soft grinding of bone in socket, like a mortar and pestle. Subtle, yet unmistakable. Usually the hair on your arms or the back of your neck stiffen. For some, it is a harbinger; to others, morbid inspiration. ...But for our sakes we hope it will brighten your day considerably!

Thank you for choosing the Tumble Dry Coin-Op.

Hours are from 7:00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. Monday through Friday/ Saturdays & Sundays from here to Eternity.

Do not leave loose articles, artificial limbs, or small children behind. (Golden doubloons, Holy Grails, old 45 speed records, and larger, unruly children accepted.)

We prefer to stave off Death as long as possible. But we'd prefer to make friends with the Avatar of the Inevitable, if such a thing can happen. Hopefully he approves the use of his likeness and doesn't mind our taking a few liberties here and there. (If not, may it please the chief Horseman of the Apocalypse to consider a more socially conscious "Cease & Desist" letter, rather than resort to traditional scare tactics. That said, O Death, worry not - we make you look pretty darn good.)

~C. Lewis (illustrator)

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